Preventive Measures to Protect Your Roof From Florida’s Harsh Weather

Harsh weather can come unexpectedly and do a number on your roof. Rain, wind, and intense sunlight can damage your roof over time. This is why it’s essential to take steps to protect your roof before the harsh weather hits.

As a trusted residential roofing company in St. Petersburg, Mitchell Roofing Company has seen first-hand the damage that harsh weather can do to roofs, and we are here to help you protect your home. Our team of professionals will have no problem protecting your roof.

Keep reading to learn about the preventative measures you should take to protect your roof from Florida’s harsh weather.

Regular Professional Inspection

Regular professional inspections are a vital component of preventive maintenance for your roof. It’s a good idea to schedule these inspections twice a year – once at the start of the hurricane season and once at the end. This allows for potential issues to be identified and addressed before they cause severe damage.

Mitchell Roofing Company, a trusted name in residential roofing in St. Petersburg, has a team of experts who will meticulously inspect your roof for signs of wear and tear, ensuring it is in the best possible condition to withstand the harsh Florida weather.

These inspections can uncover minor problems that may not be visible to the untrained eye and fix them before they become bigger, costly repairs. Even something as seemingly minor as a loose shingle can lead to significant damage if left unchecked. This is why it is crucial to have your roof inspected by professionals.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is a must-have for residential roofing in St. Petersburg. When the attic of your home has the proper ventilation, it helps to balance the temperature inside. This balance is essential because it prevents the buildup of heat and moisture, which can cause damage to your roof over time. Ridge and soffit vents are two types of vents that you can install in your attic to help with this.

Ridge vents are installed along the peak of your roof, and soffit vents are installed in the eaves of your house. Together, they create a system that allows cool air to enter through the soffit vents and hot air to exit through the ridge vents.

This kind of system helps keep the temperature in your attic stable, protecting your roof from damage. Proper ventilation also prevents moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Since over 70% of homes in the U.S. contain mold, it’s vital to take steps to avoid this common problem. 

Trust the experts at Mitchell Roofing Company to install ridge and soffit vents for optimal ventilation in your home.

Applying Elastomeric Coating to Your Roof

One excellent way to keep your roof safe is to have an elastomeric coating applied. This special sort of paint stretches and moves with your roof.

That means it can handle Florida’s quick weather changes without cracking or peeling. This coating is like a shield for your roof, helping you avoid problems like:

  • Leaky roofs: Elastomeric coating is waterproof. It helps to keep rain from seeping into your roof and causing leaks.
  • Heat damage: This coating can reflect sunlight. That means less heat damages your roof, and your house stays cooler, too.
  • Wear and tear: A roof with an elastomeric coating can last longer. It can withstand wind, rain, and sun better than a roof without this extra layer of protection.
  • Mold and mildew: As mentioned earlier, moisture buildup can lead to mold and mildew growth. However, the elastomeric coating can help prevent this by keeping moisture out of your roof.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your residential roofing in St. Petersburg with a high-quality elastomeric coating.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Protecting your roof from damage also involves caring for the trees around your home. The branches hanging over your roof can cause significant damage, especially during a storm. These branches can scratch and wear down your roof or break off and fall, causing further damage.

That’s why it’s so important to trim overhanging branches, ensuring no branch is within six feet of your roof. Doing this shields your roof from potential harm and helps keep gutters clear of leaves and debris. 

However, trimming trees near your roof can be dangerous and should only be done by professionals with the necessary equipment and expertise.

Hire Gutter Cleaning Professionals

Keeping your gutters clean is another excellent way to protect your roof. Gutters control the flow of rainwater, protecting your home’s roof, walls, and foundation. American consumers spend over $744 million on professional gutter services annually. There’s a good reason for this. 

Gutters clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris can cause water to back up on your roof. This excess moisture can lead to leaks and mold growth, causing damage to your roof’s structure. Water buildup in gutters can also attract pests like mosquitoes, which can be a nuisance and potentially carry diseases.

Hiring professionals for gutter cleaning is a wise investment that can save you money in the long run. With their expertise and proper equipment, they can clean your gutters thoroughly, preventing potential damage to your roof.

Install Hurricane Straps

In areas that regularly face hurricanes, like St. Petersburg, one excellent way to strengthen your home’s defense is by installing hurricane straps or clips. These devices are designed to hold your roof in place firmly, tying it directly to the walls of your house. This critical step can add a layer of security, making your roof more resistant to the high winds that hurricanes bring.

Hurricane straps and clips create a strong bond between the roof and the walls. This bond is stronger than nails alone, helping to prevent the roof from being ripped off during a storm. The straps are made of galvanized steel, making them resistant to rust and corrosion.

If you want to add a layer of protection to your residential roofing in St. Petersburg, installing hurricane straps is a good idea.

Avoid DIY Roofing Repairs

While self-reliance is a virtue, it’s best to leave it to the professionals when it comes to roofing repairs. DIY roofing repairs aren’t just challenging; they can put your roof—and your safety—in jeopardy.

Here’s why:

  • Potential for Further Damage: Without professional training, you might unknowingly cause additional harm to your roof while attempting to repair it. This can lead to more extensive repairs and higher costs down the line.
  • Safety Risks: Roofing work can be hazardous. Falls from roofs account for a large number of home improvement injuries each year. Professionals possess appropriate safety equipment and undergo training to handle such risks.
  • Warranty Issues: Many warranties become void if anyone other than a certified professional works on your roof. If something goes wrong later on, you may be left to cover the costs.
  • Inspection Errors: Professionals don’t just repair the problem you see; they inspect your entire roof for potential issues. Missing these can lead to significant damage in the future.

Trust the experts at Mitchell Roofing Company for any repairs to your roof.

Properly Insulate Your Attic

The attic is more than just a storage area. It plays a critical role in maintaining the temperature of your home. One way to improve your home’s energy efficiency is to use radiant barrier insulation in your attic. This type of insulation works by reflecting the heat away from your house instead of absorbing it.

This means your air conditioning system won’t have to work as hard to cool down your home, helping to reduce your energy costs. Proper attic insulation also helps to regulate the temperature in your home, making it more comfortable for you and your family. It also helps to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Use Quality Roofing Materials

Investing in high-quality roofing materials is another essential step in protecting your roof from harsh weather conditions. These materials are designed to withstand Florida’s intense sun, heavy rain, and strong winds, giving you peace of mind knowing that your roof can handle the elements.

Look for materials with high wind-resistance ratings, such as asphalt shingles with a Class F rating or metal roofing with a Class IV rating. These materials can withstand wind speeds of up to 150 miles per hour, making them ideal for Florida’s hurricane-prone areas.

Durability is also an important factor to consider when choosing roofing materials. Quality materials, such as metal or tile, can last for decades with proper maintenance, saving you money on frequent repairs and replacements. Investing in high-quality materials may cost more upfront, but it will pay off in the long run by protecting your roof and home from harsh weather conditions.

Let Us Maintain Your Residential Roofing in St. Petersburg!

At Mitchell Roofing Company, we are dedicated to providing top-notch roofing services for our clients. We understand the importance of protecting your home from harsh weather conditions. If you want to prevent damage to your residential roofing in St. Petersburg, contact us today!