11 Ways Strong Winds Can Affect Your Shingle Roof

Severe storms are powerful natural events that can produce incredibly high winds. These winds can be relentless and, at times, violently thrash against everything in their path. One area that is particularly vulnerable to these strong winds is the roof of a home or commercial building.

Despite being designed to withstand regular weather conditions, roofs can suffer significant damage during severe storms due to the sheer force of the wind. When faced with this damage, your first call needs to be to a roofing contractor in Hillsborough County. The Mitchell Roofing Company team can assess and fix this damage quickly.

Keep reading to learn more about the shingle roof damage high winds can cause.

Winds Can Cause Shingles to Lift and Curl

Strong winds, particularly those exceeding 50 mph, have a unique way of wreaking havoc on shingle roofs. These gusts can slip beneath the shingles at their edges, causing them to lift and curl away from the roof. This exposes the underlayment, the layer beneath the shingles that provides an additional barrier against moisture and debris.

When this layer is compromised, it leaves your home susceptible to rain, hail, and other potentially damaging elements. If the shingles continue to lift and curl, they may eventually rip off entirely, leaving your roof exposed and vulnerable.

This is why you must get issues involving shingle lifting and curling fixed immediately. Contact us if you need roof repair in Hillsborough County.

Exposed Roof Decking

Wind gusts can be powerful enough to strip shingles right off a roof, especially if those shingles aren’t fastened securely. Imagine lifting the lid off a box; if it isn’t tight, it comes off easily. Similarly, when shingles are torn away, the roof’s decking—or its foundational layer—is left unprotected. 

The decking is exposed to rain, hail, and other debris without shingles to shield it. If left untreated, this can lead to further damage and potentially even structural issues. It’s essential to have a roofing contractor in Hillsborough County address any missing shingles as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Loose Roofing Nails

High winds are like a strong team trying to pull up a tent pegged to the ground; if they blow hard enough, the stakes—or the nails- can loosen in the case of your roof.

This is a significant issue because, over time, the repetitive force of the wind can cause the nails holding your shingles in place to wiggle free. Once this happens, your shingles are at risk of damage or even being blown off during a storm.

These problems include:

  • Increased Risk of Leaks: Loose nails can lead to gaps in your shingles, making it easier for water to seep in.
  • Potential for More Extensive Damage: Once a few shingles are compromised, it makes it easier for the wind to damage others.
  • Costly Repairs: Ignoring this issue can lead to more significant problems, resulting in more expensive repairs.
  • Safety Concerns: Loose shingles can be hazardous to anyone on or around your roof, as they may fall off unexpectedly. It’s crucial to have loose nails fixed immediately by a professional roofing contractor in Hillsborough County to prevent potential accidents and injuries.
  • Decreased Energy Efficiency: Loose shingles can create gaps and openings in your roof, causing air to escape and making it more challenging to regulate the temperature inside your home. This can lead to increased energy costs over time.

Don’t underestimate the effects of strong winds on your shingle roof. If you notice any signs of damage or loosened nails, reach out to Mitchell Roofing Company for help.

Cracked or Broken Shingles

When strong winds rush through an area, they can be especially tough on older, brittle shingles. These shingles, weakened by years of wear and changing weather, may not be flexible enough to withstand the force of high winds. The result? They can crack or even break.

This damage creates openings for water to seep in, potentially causing leaks and further damage. If your shingles show signs of cracking or breaking, it’s crucial to have them replaced by a trusted roofing contractor in Hillsborough County as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the next storm hits; act now to protect your home from potential water damage.

Debris Impact on Shingle Roofs

High winds do more than just pull at shingles; they also pick up debris like tree branches and loose objects from your yard. This flying debris can crash into your roof, causing punctures or creating dents. These impacts are concerning because even small punctures can allow water to get in and start causing problems.

Tree branches that stay on the roof can scrape and damage the shingles as the wind continues to blow. Protecting your roof from this airborne debris is crucial for safeguarding your home against weather-related damage. To prevent expensive repairs, keeping trees trimmed and yard items secured is wise. If your roof sustains debris damage, call Mitchell Roofing Company for an assessment and timely repairs.

Gutter Damage from Strong Winds

Gutters are essential for directing water away from your home’s foundation, but strong winds pose a threat to their integrity. Winds can loosen the gutters or even detach them from the house, interrupting water flow during rain and leading to water collecting at the base of your home.

Additionally, wind can fill gutters with leaves, twigs, and debris, preventing proper water drainage. When gutters don’t function correctly, water can pool around the foundation, potentially causing costly damage. If you want to keep debris out of your gutters, check out the high-quality gutter guards we offer.

Damaged Flashing

High winds can bend or rip the flashing on your roof. Flashing is the metal that covers the corners and crevices of your roof to keep water out.

This damage comes in the form of:

  • Warped Flashing: This means the metal is twisted out of shape.
  • Loose Flashing: The edges may come up or move, leaving gaps.
  • Torn Flashing: Pieces of the metal might tear away.
  • Holes in Flashing: High winds can create punctures, which let water leak through.
  • Displaced Flashing: Extreme winds can even completely remove flashing from your roof.

If you notice any of these signs, contact a roofing contractor in Hillsborough County to repair or replace the damaged flashing as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your home.

Structural Damage to Roofing Trusses

In the most severe weather events, such as hurricanes, the powerful winds can cause structural and surface damage to shingle roofs. The very framework of the roof, known as the trusses, can be affected. These trusses are like the bones of the roof; they hold everything up.

When strong winds hit, they can put too much pressure on these trusses, sometimes resulting in cracks or breaks. Should the trusses be damaged, the stability of the entire roof is compromised, which can lead to serious safety concerns and the need for extensive repairs.

To ensure the integrity of your roof’s structure, it is imperative to have a professional inspection after any major storm, especially if you suspect that there might be hidden damage.

The Aesthetic Impact of Damaged Shingles

A roof with missing or damaged shingles can make a house look old and worn down. Just like a stain on a nice shirt can ruin your outfit, shingles that are broken or gone can mess up the look of your entire home. When people see a house from the street, the roof is a big part of what they notice.

If it looks damaged or neglected, it can give the impression that the whole house is in disrepair. This affects the curb appeal and the overall value of your property. Don’t let missing or damaged shingles bring down the aesthetic appeal of your home; get them fixed as soon as possible by a trusted roofing contractor in Hillsborough County.

Damage to Ridge Caps

Ridge caps are an important part of your roof because they cover the gap at the peak where the two slopes meet. Unfortunately, strong winds can be tough on these parts. They might tear off the caps or even break them. If this happens, water can penetrate your roof at its highest points.

This can lead to leaks and further damage if not addressed promptly. To protect your home from potential water damage, it’s crucial to have any damaged ridge caps repaired or replaced by Mitchell Roofing Company.

Higher Energy Bills

Damage to your roof doesn’t just let in water—it can also let out your warm or cool air. When shingles are missing or cracked, it can create gaps and openings that allow air to escape from your home.

This makes it harder for your heating and cooling systems to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to higher energy bills. The only way to address this problem is with the help of our experienced roofing contractors.

Do You Need Roof Repair in Hillsborough County?

If your roof has been damaged by strong winds, don’t wait to take action. Contact Mitchell Roofing Company for comprehensive roof repair in Hillsborough County!